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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta India. Mostrar todas as mensagens

sexta-feira, agosto 05, 2011

Andaman Islands: Tour companies join tourist boycott of human safaris

Na Survival: "In a major step forward, two leading tour companies in India’s Andaman Islands have come out in support of the call for tourists to boycott the Andaman Trunk Road. The road cuts through the heart of the recently contacted Jarawa tribe’s forest." (Notícia integral)

quinta-feira, junho 23, 2011

Survival lanza un boicot turístico al “safari park humano”

Na Survival: "Survival International ha pedido hoy a los turistas que boicoteen la principal carretera de las islas Andamán de la India, una vía ilegal que atraviesa la tierra del los jarawa, un pueblo indígena amenazado." (Notícia)